I like this time of night. The house is quiet save for when the wind blows the aspen branches too close to the window. They scratch to get in. Maybe they don’t want to get in at all but are simply asking for attention. Have you...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
I like this time of night. The house is quiet save for when the wind blows the aspen branches too close to the window. They scratch to get in. Maybe they don’t want to get in at all but are simply asking for attention. Have you...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
You’re not supposed to blog on Fridays. Or so I’ve been told. But I am not good at timing these things. Nor at following directions as to what I’ve been told. The thing is, Friday or not, I need help.
So I...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
I'm on a "business" "ministry" trip! Here I am, all grown up and traveling by my lonesome. Just me and Jesus all the way to Dallas where the grass is green and the trees have leaves on them! Yay! I left a snowstorm for this! I'm attending/...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
“How deep do you want to go?”
These were the first words spoken by a jedi-knight of a counselor to my close...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
“How deep do you want to go?”
These were the first words spoken by a jedi-knight of a counselor to my close...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
I stopped getting the newspaper years ago because my heart couldn’t take it. I would open it up and weep. I didn’t know my tears were intercession, but they were. They were then and they are now.
It’s been a week. 2:...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
Statistically, there are more heart attacks on Monday morning than any other time in the week.
I’m sure you don’t have to hear that statistic to know the truth...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
Statistically, there are more heart attacks on Monday morning than any other time in the week.
I’m sure you don’t have to hear that statistic to know the truth...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
I just had my picture taken. Really, no big deal, right? I'm doing some audio recordings and thought, hey—let's take a picture and I'll put it on my Facebook page. (I'm trying to become social media savvy woman.) So, a friend took two pictures...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
No wonder why the Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit the Wild Goose; to follow Him is to invariably be led on an adventure that we would mostly never choose on our own.
... READ MOREMorgan Snyder
No wonder why the Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit the Wild Goose; to follow Him is to invariably be led on an adventure that we would mostly never choose on our own.
... READ MOREJohn Eldredge
Some of my blog readers aren't aware that I write a monthly newsletter (that's right, an actual letter—comes in an envelope, printed on paper, delivered by the postman. Remember letters?). So I thought I'd share this month's letter with you here...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge
I’ve been thinking a lot about Mary Magdalene lately. Especially her experience on that first Easter morning that took place just a moment ago. You remember how it went—on the third day, at the crack of dawn, at the first possible moment, Mary...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
I took this picture of my youngest brother Lance on an ice laden stream in the northeast, just minutes after I helped him take his daily dose of chemo. In that moment, and in many others Lance became...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
I took this picture of my youngest brother Lance on an ice laden stream in the northeast, just minutes after I helped him take his daily dose of chemo. In that moment, and in many others Lance became...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
$824.00 for Disneyland.
I thought $90 a week for a kick in the nuts (counseling) was a rough go… But to shell out $824 for a three-day family pass just to have...
READ MOREMorgan Snyder
$824.00 for Disneyland.
I thought $90 a week for a kick in the nuts (counseling) was a rough go… But to shell out $824 for a three-day family pass just to have...
READ MORECraig McConnell
I’m overwhelmed looking at a very full email inbox. I get the same feeling looking at a stack of unpaid bills. Overdue bills.
How does so much time pass between my good intentions, responding promptly, and my actual follow through? It’s...
READ MOREJohn Eldredge
This coming Sunday begins a Very Big Week for Christians. Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday is the triumph not only of Jesus Christ, but of our lives as now intertwined with his. This week is the triumph of our faith.
But some of the power of...