Beautiful Outlaw Video Series - Chapter 4

Chapter 4: "Fierce Intention" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensional stereotypes. In a small-group setting, Eldredge takes a winsome, narrative approach as he invites us not only to discover who Jesus really is, but to enrich our daily experience of him and most importantly, to fall more deeply in love with him. Come and see Jesus. The real Jesus. A Perfect Love who defies conventional belief. A Beautiful Outlaw.


Beautiful Outlaw Video Series - Chapter 3

Chapter 3: "Is Jesus Really Playful?" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensional stereotypes. In a small-group setting, Eldredge takes a winsome, narrative approach as he invites us not only to discover who Jesus really is, but to enrich our daily experience of him and most importantly, to fall more deeply in love with him. Come and see Jesus. The real Jesus. A Perfect Love who defies conventional belief. A Beautiful Outlaw.


Beautiful Outlaw Video Series - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: "The Missing Essential - His Personality" – Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensional stereotypes. In a small-group setting, Eldredge takes a winsome, narrative approach as he invites us not only to discover who Jesus really is, but to enrich our daily experience of him and most importantly, to fall more deeply in love with him. Come and see Jesus. The real Jesus. A Perfect Love who defies conventional belief. A Beautiful Outlaw.


Beautiful Outlaw Video Series - Chapter 1

Chapter 1: "The Playfulness of God and the Poison of Religion" –  Based on the groundbreaking book by John Eldredge, this video series clears away the religious fog that has clouded our perceptions of Jesus with bland, one-dimensional stereotypes. In a small-group setting, Eldredge takes a winsome, narrative approach as he invites us not only to discover who Jesus really is, but to enrich our daily experience of him and most importantly, to fall more deeply in love with him. Come and see Jesus. The real Jesus. A Perfect Love who defies conventional belief. A Beautiful Outlaw.


Band of Brothers - DVD Series Trailer

Wild at Heart: A Band of Brothers DVD Series will become the catalyst study groups and retreat leaders use to help them discover how God defines authentic masculinity.  John Eldredge and his band of brothers invite you to join them as they embark on a journey to learn how God can heal wounded hearts and put a spirit of adventure back in the life of any man.


Free to Live - Book Trailer

Here is a book that explores the beauty of the genuine goodness available to us in Jesus Christ and guides us through the process, whereby God sets us free by making us whole and holy through his love. You will be relieved. Utterly.


Becoming Myself Video Series - Session 1

The Becoming Myself Small Group video series invites you to participate more fully in the process of becoming who God created you to be. Designed for small groups, each session will help women explore their stories with grace as they discover their truest self. This is Session 1 titled "Does Anyone Really Change?"

