Stasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
My experiences with the opposite sex in middle school and high school weren’t so great. When I was fifteen, I...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
My experiences with the opposite sex in middle school and high school weren’t so great. When I was fifteen, I...
READ MOREGod has given each of us an inheritance in Christ. Jesus came that we might have life and life to the full. When we get into relationships with people or institutions or into patterns of behavior or addictions that are not God’s highest for us,...
READ MORENow for one of the most beautiful mysteries of the feminine heart: women minister something to the heart of God that men do not.
Look at the record. There was an event that took place in the life of Jesus that he said should be...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
To be a girl is a glorious thing. Yes, we bear a suffering that guys do not know. This is not a reason to envy...
READ MOREFriendship is risky, costly. Friendship is meant to provide a refuge from loneliness, and a respite from self-criticism and the critique of a never-satisfied world. Friendship is a relationship of mutual enjoyment. It is a place where our hearts...
READ MOREAfter his resurrection, Jesus sends us all out to do what he did: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21 NRSV). And he gives us his authority to do it: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore...
READ MOREThings are not what they were meant to be. East of Eden, we have kept moving east and come all the way ’round, finding the garden utterly lost and cruelly unrecognizable. We were all born into this world. We came in gasping for air, and we are...
READ MOREConsider the natural human longing to be loved and admired, how deep it runs in you. It is practically an aching abyss. Remember how rare it is for love and admiration to come to any soul in this jealous world. Now, add to this poverty the...
READ MOREThe book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.
[John] A man faces many forks in the road as he journeys through his life — each choice...
READ MOREFrancis of Assisi was called “the second Christ” because his life was so totally given over to expressing the life of Jesus. What can we learn from this man devoted like no other? “As Saint Francis did not love humanity but men, so he did not...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
I encourage you to risk dreaming and writing your dreams down. Once you get started, you’ll find there are...
READ MOREGod is rewriting my story. My story is his story, really, and one day he will tell it in all of its hidden splendor. I will get to hear his take on my days, his perception on what was going on underneath and behind the scenes. He will share with...
READ MOREThe man possessed by many demons asked Jesus, “Why are You interfering with me?” You know the answer. It’s the same one He has for you. Because He loved him. And He loves you.
If we are to find healing and true joy, we need to lean...
Every woman can tell you about her wound; some came with violence, others came with neglect. Just as every little boy is asking one question, every little girl is, as well. But her question isn’t so much about her strength. No, the deep cry of a...
READ MOREWe live in a larger story. This is not the land of the white picket fences with a chicken in every pot. We don’t live in Oz or the Kansas of its wizard. There is an incredibly good ending to our story, but it often isn’t on this side of eternity...
READ MOREBeauty is transcendent. It is our most immediate experience of the eternal. Think of what it's like to behold a gorgeous sunset or the ocean at dawn. Remember the ending of a great story. We yearn to linger, to experience it all our days...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
Most little girls at some point dream of living in a fairy tale. The big surprise when we grow up is not that...
READ MOREIn order to recognize a lie, we need to know the truth. Experts in counterfeit money don’t spend their time studying counterfeits. They study the real currency. In the same way, to engage in the spiritual battle raging around us, we don’t shift...
READ MOREThe book "Killing Lions" is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.
[Sam] I feel like I blunder into success as much as I blunder into downfalls. That Susie really values...
READ MOREThis is a love story, dear friends. God is love, the apostle John tells us, and then he says it again so that we don’t forget, “God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God” (1 John 4:16). Love is the single most defining quality of...