You will not think clearly about your life until you think mythically. Until you see with the eyes of your heart.
About halfway through their journey — following a great deal of hardship and facing a good deal more — Frodo's devoted...
You will not think clearly about your life until you think mythically. Until you see with the eyes of your heart.
About halfway through their journey — following a great deal of hardship and facing a good deal more — Frodo's devoted...
Jesus points to a field of wheat. Imagine trying to count the number of kernels in one acre. Immeasurable abundance. Turning our gaze to those luxuriant fields, he says, “Listen carefully: Unless a grain of wheat is buried in the ground, dead to...
READ MOREThe book "Killing Lions" is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.
[Sam] What we want right off the bat is a map of some kind, a plan, a clear path to begin...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
Your mother is your primary role model. How she feels, what she thinks, and what she believes has a direct...
READ MOREPart of our healing comes with forgiveness (of ourselves and others), and part of it comes with repentance. But first, we have to begin with how God sees us. How he sees you. Do you know?
You are deeply and completely loved (Rom. 8:38–39...
READ MOREWe have fears below the surface that we don’t consciously know we have. God wants us to be free of them. How can we be? Well, he has made a way for us. It is the way of his love. His perfect love for us casts out all fear.
"And so we know...
READ MOREThere is a reason you have the desires you do. Some desires you share with many others. Many people want the same core, good things: a community, a relationship, a deeper walk with God. But many of your dreams and desires are yours alone. They...
READ MOREThe book “Killing Lions” is a conversation between John and Sam Eldredge about the trials young men face.
[John] I believe you young men are the warrior generation this world needs. I believe you will...
READ MOREPersonally, I find one of the most startling things Jesus says tucked away at the end of the fourteenth chapter of John. He is preparing his closest friends (and soon-to-be-successors) for his departure. They still don’t believe or don’t want...
READ MOREAs a result of the wounds we receive growing up, we come to believe that some part of us, maybe every part of us, is marred. Shame enters in and makes its crippling home deep within our hearts. Shame is what makes us look away, so we avoid eye...
READ MOREIn order for us to live in freedom and become the women we are to become, we need to receive God’s love even in our lowest places.
Spiritual warfare is designed to separate you from the love of God. Its goal is to keep you from living in...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book, "Free to Be Me", helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
In order to have a life worth living, you need to be you. Not the parental, or friend, or boy-dictated...
READ MOREWhen Jesus came onto the scene he turned misogyny (hatred of women) on its head. A rabbi at that time wouldn’t speak to a woman in public, not even his own wife (this is still true for orthodox rabbis). Even today, an orthodox Jewish man is...
READ MOREI know I am not alone in this nagging sense of failing to measure up, a feeling of not being good enough as a woman. Every woman I've ever met feels it—something deeper than just the sense of failing at what she does. An underlying, gut...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
My experiences with the opposite sex in middle school and high school weren’t so great. When I was fifteen, I...
READ MOREGod has given each of us an inheritance in Christ. Jesus came that we might have life and life to the full. When we get into relationships with people or institutions or into patterns of behavior or addictions that are not God’s highest for us,...
READ MORENow for one of the most beautiful mysteries of the feminine heart: women minister something to the heart of God that men do not.
Look at the record. There was an event that took place in the life of Jesus that he said should be...
READ MOREStasi Eldredge's book "Free to Be Me" helps teen girls become the young women God created them to be.
To be a girl is a glorious thing. Yes, we bear a suffering that guys do not know. This is not a reason to envy...
READ MOREFriendship is risky, costly. Friendship is meant to provide a refuge from loneliness, and a respite from self-criticism and the critique of a never-satisfied world. Friendship is a relationship of mutual enjoyment. It is a place where our hearts...
READ MOREAfter his resurrection, Jesus sends us all out to do what he did: "As the Father has sent me, so I send you" (John 20:21 NRSV). And he gives us his authority to do it: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore...